
Fear and How it Affects Us

Fear Global grids mind control mind programming

I love watching different Truth videos and finding out more about what is going on in our human world. Everyone has different talents and gifts that they bring to the world and there are some amazing Truth seekers out there doing some amazing fact finding and checking to share Truth with us. When there is a common theme between all Truth speakers, regardless of the aspect of Truth they are talking about then you know that is a really important issue! What all Truth seekers have in common is they will all talk about the polarity or duality of fear...

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Grounding - Why is it taught?

grounding Truth

Grounding - Why is it taught?

Grounding is so very widely taught in the spiritual world, but why? I can remember being told when I first came to spiritual work that I had to ground before doing any energy / spiritual work and this was done by placing your feet flat on the ground and connecting to earth and to imagine or feel  like I had roots growing out of my feet, like the roots of a tree going into earth. Well I tried doing this, like I was told to, and I didn't really get it and didn't see the point in it, so I didn't...

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Comparison – Do You Compare Yourself to Others?

feelings mind programming

I’m pretty sure your answer to this will be a yes! Why, because there is so much external programming that we all come into contact with that is pulling us into comparison and comparing ourselves with others. You could be having a great day and feeling really content and happy, and then something happens that causes you to compare yourself to someone else, and suddenly you feel not as good as someone else, inferior to them, or that you should be doing something different and this is all so so wrong!     Why should what anyone else is doing...

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Do we treat the symptoms or root causes?

energy energy healing frequency Law of Attraction love mind control vibrations

It is the symptoms that we feel and want gone, and we can release and get rid of the symptoms, but if the root cause remains, then we will get more symptoms or different variations of these symptoms because the cause is still there. This will continue in a never ending cycle until the ROOT CAUSE is removed. The root causes of all issues are: LACK OF LOVE FEAR MIND CONTROL I frequently talk about how damaging lack of love is on us and have written many articles on this, including “Were You Loved From Birth or Not - &...

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How can we flow love when we feel hurt & rejected?

emotions energy healing feelings healing heart love low Michelle Carter self-love

Feeling hurt or rejected is a painful experience and can be one that it so difficult to recover from, leaving many feeling bitter and resentful or in fear of connecting and trusting others again. How can we trust in love after being so let down?     Yesterday, I asked for some guidance around this and found myself  reaching for my book, Loving You, and reading the opening paragraph of chapter 13 -  'this is the time when we MOST need to connect to love and Love Ourselves!' It really made me think and was a 'wow moment' for me,...

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