
How Does Evil Exist?

evil Karma struggle Universal Law victim

How Does Evil Exist?

Have you ever wondered how evil exists when Light is more powerful than dark and Pure is more powerful than evil?

To explain how evil is able to not just exist, but how it has grown and become a dominant energy that has been controlling humanity for centuries, in fact it has been controlling us since evil existed, we need to know about Universal Law. 

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5G - What Can I Do?

5G World Healing

Powerful Energy Work to Revoke 5G from Humanity & Earth.


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Am I a Bad Person if I Can’t Forgive Someone?

emotions energy healing forgive forgiveness healing Love Michelle Carter self-love

The need to forgive is being so widely taught nowadays, that we are being programmed that we have to forgive to be a kind, caring person and that if we don't forgive someone for a wrong doing then we will never find peace and happiness. We may have real inner turmoil with this and start to think that we are a bad person if we don't or can't forgive someone, because the programming and messages being sent out are becoming so loud. So what if someone has done something to you or someone you love, and you just cannot forgive...

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Are You Under Spells & Curses?

As I work more and more with people who are experiencing struggle and issues in some area of their lives, the more it seems that spells, curses and black magic will pop up as being a cause of some of these issues. It therefore seems to me that starting to release and eliminate spells and curses is a really good starting point and not what to do when nothing else has worked which is what usually tends to happen!     Many people do ask me:  "How do I know if I have spells, curses or black magic on me?"...

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Mass Mind Control affecting Humanity

Global change Global grids mind mind control mind programming Truth

The amount of mind control that we are all under is quite unbelievable! Even when we are aware that this exists and the whole of humanity is under mind control that doesn't stop us from being affected by all the mind control that is going on, because there is so much hidden control and so much that has been programmed into us from birth, that it just seems normal to us!     Here are some of the ways that humanity is affected by mind control: Mind programming from our upbringing and life Global matrixes for health, money, relationships, fears...

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