News — Truth

Has the Tide Finally Turned on Injustice?

Justice Michelle Carter Truth

There is so much injustice in the world and often this is because people are too afraid, embarrassed or feel shamed to speak the truth.  However, the tide has finally turned and people are now willing to stand up and not just speak out about injustice, but are willing to take positive action to create change. So huge YAY to that!! Take the issue of Raif Badawi who was sentenced to 1000 lashes and ten years in prison. Public outcry at this injustice has been huge worldwide, and he has only received one set of lashings because of this public outcry...

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To Forgive or to Accept - What is the Difference?

emotions energy healing forgive forgiveness healing Michelle Carter self-love Truth

There is so much programming around forgiving and this is and has caused so many people much inner turmoil, myself included, that I wrote a blog article that you can read on this blog called '   Am I a Bad Person if I Can't Forgive Someone?' You may find it enlightening to read that article first, if you haven't already, to know why I believe that forgiving is the wrong message for really evil acts. When someone is feeling shock, disbelief, trauma and huge upset from a very disturbing event that has happened and affected them or people close to them...

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